プロジェクト『Yasuharu Takanashi’s Far East Groove』

プロジェクト『Yasuharu Takanashi’s Far East Groove』

新プロジェクト『Yasuharu Takanashi’s Far East Groove』が始動!

『Yasuharu Takanashi’s Far East Groove』は、『NARUTO 疾風伝』『FAIRY TAIL』など人気作品の音楽を多数手掛ける高梨康治による新プロジェクトです。

“Yasuharu Takanashi’s Far East Groove” finally gets its wings and be confirmed for the first-ever festival appearance at ROCK IMPERIUM FESTIVAL 2025!!
Yasuharu Takanashi’s Far East Groove is the brand new project directed by Yasuharu Takanashi, who has composed many famous Anime soundtracks like “NARUTO Shippuden”, “FAIRY TAIL”
This project has started by his aim to spread his soundtrack tunes all over the world with talented international musicians.
It will create the new dimension of the music by combining heavy metal music and the Anime soundtrack tunes he ever composed over the years.

スペインの大型ロックフェス『Rock Imperium Festival 2025』に出演が決定!

この度スペインの大型ロックフェス『Rock Imperium Festival 2025』へ出演が決定しました!
『Rock Imperium Festival 2025』の為に豪華メンバーを揃えていますので、今後の情報公開もお楽しみに!

This time, we are delighted to announce to play at acclaimed festival in Spain, ROCK IMPERIUM FESTIVAL 2025.
Soon we will announce the band members to join this epic journey… to be continued.

『Rock Imperium Festival 2025』オフィシャルツアーも開催決定!

『Rock Imperium Festival 2025』を観覧できる、日本で唯一のオフィシャルツアーもございます!
スペインで『Yasuharu Takanashi’s Far East Groove』が観られる貴重なチャンスです。


高梨康治(Yasuharu Takanashi)…Keyboard
若井望(Nozomu Wakai)…Guitar


新プロジェクト『Yasuharu Takanashi’s Far East Groove』の始動、そしてヨーロッパ最大級のロックフェス『Rock Imperium Festival 2025』への出演が決定いたしました!
今まで『KISS』や『DEEP PURLE』をはじめ、数々の憧れのバンド達が出演してきた夢のステージに立つ日がやってきます!
そしてこれは僕の新章のスタート!更にワクワクな展開が控えてます。 音楽で元気・楽しい時間・夢をお客さん、そして次世代にお届けするのが僕の目指すプロの姿です。

I'm thrilled to announce that I’ll be performing at one of Europe’s largest rock festivals, Rock Imperium Festival 2025!
This is a dream come true—a chance to stand on the same stage that legendary bands like KISS and Deep Purple have graced over the years. To top it off, I’ll be the first Japanese artist to perform soundtrack music at such a massive international rock festival (although there have been other non-Japanese artists before).
This opportunity represents two dreams coming true at once: fulfilling my aspirations as a rock musician and spreading the world of soundtrack music to new audiences.
This marks the beginning of a new chapter for me, and there are even more exciting developments ahead.
My goal as a professional musician is to bring energy, joy, and dreams to audiences and the next generation through music.
As someone who once struggled as an unknown rock musician, facing countless setbacks, I hope that my journey—continuing to challenge myself and pursue my dreams, no matter my age—can inspire others to take their own first steps. That would make me incredibly happy!


代表作に、『NARUTO-ナルト-疾風伝』『BORUTO-ボルト-NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS』『FAIRY TAIL』『ゾンビランドサガ』『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎(第6期)』『美少女戦士セーラームーンCrystal』『フレッシュプリキュア!』~『スマイルプリキュア!』『地獄少女』『ログ・ホライズン』『地球へ…』『PRIDE』テーマ曲等がある。
ロゴデザイン:若井望(Nozomu Wakai)
©株式会社Team-MAX、Colorless株式会社、MACK PROJECTS